Stars of Bonner Springs High School




This week we highlighted the athlete of the week, Kalen Streit. Kalen prepares for a basketball game by listening to music as it gets him in the right mindset for a game. His favorite part of basketball season is either the practices or the trips to away games because it’s just fun to be around the team. Makes the teammates closer and closer throughout the year. Kalens biggest supporters are either his mom or dad because they are always at the games supporting him and helping him improve on what he needs to work on. Piper High School is Kalen’s favorite school to play at because he loves the rivalry. Lastly, he uses hate as motivation so he could prove people wrong.

Charlie Nolting is the Braves fan of the week for this week. Charlie’s favorite part of participating in the orange crush is the environment orange crush provides. His favorite theme is surfers vs bikers because he got to break out his Hawaiian shirt. If Charlie could change anything about orange crush it would be to get more people to come to away basketball games because they are fun and he hasn’t missed one yet. Charlie doesn’t have a specific team he loves to play, his favorite games are whenever Bonner blows out a team. Games are memorable for Charlie because he is friends with all the boys on the team.

We are highlighting the teacher of the week, Mrs. Campbell. She is a math teacher and track coach here at Bonner Springs High School. The most rewarding aspect of teaching Mrs. Campbell is the relationships she builds with the students and sharing advice with them about school, jobs, relationships, and their futures. Mrs. Campbell chose to be a teacher because both of her parents were teachers. In high school, she actually had her dad as her Weights/PE teacher and her mom was her choir teacher. So she grew up at all the school events and at home listening to their classroom stories and wanted to follow in their footsteps by teaching and coaching. When she has free time, enjoys spending time with family and watching TV. If Mrs. Campbell could teach a different subject, she would teach either science or business because she would still want to work with numbers. Finally, Mrs. Campbell’s advice to high school students is to create as many memories as you could and to get out of your comfort zone. Also to be nice and kind to each other.